Bees swarm after school

Several honey bees formed a swarm on a tree next to the greenhouse this afternoon, leading campus security officials to fence off the path directly in front of the area.
“We had a big swarm that pretty much came into the school,” Upper School Staff Member J. R. Delalto said. “They’re clustered right there, and hopefully in an hour they’ll be gone”
A beekeeper has been contacted to handle the hive in the case the bees remain where they are. Students are advised to stay away from the hive until it is removed.
“The best thing students can do is to just give those honeybees some space,” Upper School nurse Clare Elchert said. “You do not want to antagonize them in any way.”
According to the Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers’ Association, honey bee swarms often occur due to mass migrations of bees from existing hives. Honey bees in swarms do not usually attack humans unless disturbed and often dissipate as the bees move to find a permanent hive location.

Vivek Bharadwaj (12) is the co-Editor-In-Chief for the Winged Post. His favorite subject in school is computer science, and he enjoys swimming and watching...