Sochi Olympics Officially Begin
The 2014 Sochi Olympics officially started February 7th at 20:14 Moscow Time with the Opening Ceremony. The ceremony broadcasted in the United States at 7:30 Pacific Time on NBC.
While the rest of the games will be streamed live, NBC had a delayed-broadcast on the Opening Ceremony. In an interview with Variety, Mark Lazarus, NBC Sports Group Chairman defended the decision saying, “We want to put context to it, with the full pageantry it deserves.”
The 2014 Sochi Olympics mark the 22nd annual Winter Olympics and are held at Sochi, Russia at the Fisht Olympic Stadium. Over 2800 athletes from 85 countries will be competing in 98 events in 15 different winter sports.
The ceremony included a parade of each nation’s athletes. Using over 60 projectors and display lights, the stadium floor featured a world map illuminating the location of whichever country entered the stadium. Following the parade, school children and adults danced and acted out the story of Russia’s history.
The Olympic torch, which made its longest journey ever to reach Russia, was brought into the stadium by tennis star Maria Sharapova. The Olympic Cauldron was then lit; breaking tradition, the cauldron is built outside the stadium, so that even those who do not go watch the games can still enjoy the flame.
Students look forward to the games and plan to take advantage of February break to catch up on their favorite sports.
“I’m really looking forward to watching the snowboarding, halfpipe, and slalom events, especially since I snowboard,” Sriram Somasundaram (11) said. “”There’s nothing better than bundling up on the couch during break and watching snow sports.”
The games are scheduled between February 7th and the 23rd. Live streams from the events can be seen on NBC.

Roshni Pankhaniya is the Sports Editor of the Winged Post. She is a senior and has been previously been a reporter and the Sports Editor for Harker Aquila....