That Awkward Moment review — 2.5/5 stars

Treehouse Pictures
Released on Saturday, the guy-centric romantic comedy “That Awkward Moment” starring Zac Efron, Miles Teller, and Michael B. Jordan is a film that in and of itself feels like one long, awkward moment.
The film revolves around the lives of three men in their twenties and their vow to one another to stay single and party hard with women galore. Inevitably, the film resorts to the old cliché that “love conquers all” as the trio falls for their respective female partners, each relationship facing the awkwardness of answering the question, “where exactly is this going?”
Truly unoriginal and formulaic, “That Awkward Moment” is predictable, lacking ample comedic moments to compensate for a lost plotline. While there are a few laugh-out-loud, relatable moments, a majority of the jokes feel forced into trite dialogue, calling for an awkwardly silent theater.
While the trailer seems to do a decent job of promoting the film as a charming romantic comedy, “That Awkward Moment” comes across as a meager attempt to draw the male population to rom-coms.
Perhaps the original allure of the film was the cast featuring Michael B. Jordan from the television show “The Wire”, Miles Teller from the 2013 film “21 & Over”, and surprising addition Zac Efron. Unfortunately, “That Awkward Moment” proves to be a waste of star talent. Not to mention, it felt seemingly impossible to separate Zac Efron from his iconic role as star basketball player Troy Bolton from Disney’s “High School Musical.”
Despite its evident downfalls that appear all too detrimental from the get-go, “That Awkward Moment” does hold a few imaginative moments. The acknowledgement of the awkwardness in dealing with relationships creates realistic and dynamic characterization that works in the film’s favor, albeit to a limited extent. Unfortunately, it quickly becomes apparent that the film is a strained shot at depicting a relationship comedy from a male standpoint, filled with sexist remarks and painfully unfunny role reversals.
Looking past the hackneyed plot and lack of serious comedic appeal, “That Awkward Moment” is still nothing to rave about. With a sexist and slightly obnoxious storyline, the film’s cons outweigh its pros.
“That Awkward Moment” is currently ranked third at the box office, just behind “Ride Along” and “Frozen” in first and second respectively, and raked in $9 million its first weekend in theaters.
Samar Malik is the Lifestyle Editor of The Winged Post. She joined the journalism program her sophomore year, during which she placed second in the International...