Homecoming Week: Rally
Homecoming Week: Rally from TalonWP on Vimeo.
The senior class participates in the tug-of-war against the freshmen. The final round of tug-of-war took place at the night’s football game.
The Upper School concluded this week’s Homecoming festivities with a rally Friday. Each class performed a skit based on their theme, student council members took part in an obstacle course, and each grade competed in the scream-off. In addition, 20 members of each grade participated in the tug-of-war; the two winning classes competed in a final round at the night’s football game against Mount Pleasant High School. The final results of Homecoming week will be announced at today’s school meeting.

Roshni Pankhaniya is the Sports Editor of the Winged Post. She is a senior and has been previously been a reporter and the Sports Editor for Harker Aquila....

Juhi Gupta is the Multimedia Editor for Harker Aquila. She is a junior and has been part of the journalism program since her freshman year. Her position...