Spring musical: Students audition for first round of casting process

Students Sean Knudsen (11), Zoe Woehrmann (10), Madeline Lang-Ree (10), and Shazdeh Hussain (11) prepare for the spring musical Oklahoma! auditions. Comprising of three rounds, one of which was completed today, the casting process involves singing, reading monologues, and dancing.

Students hoping to perform in the upcoming Conservatory program’s spring musical, Oklahoma!, sang sample tunes and read various monologues during the first round of auditions today at lunch and after school.

Set in the early 1900s, Oklahoma!, an original broadway show, narrates the love triangle between Laurey Williams, a farm girl, and her two suitors, cowboy Curly McLain and farm hand Jud Fry. It is known for its lively combination of music and dance. For Justin Gerard (12), who has performed in previous musicals, this year’s show holds a special meaning.

“I like this musical in particular because I love the songs,” he said. “It is a very high energy musical and has a relatively good story. I like a few of the characters, especially Jud Fry.”

Auditions were held in groups of up to five students by Performing Arts department chair and musical director Laura Lang-Ree, who has also directed past plays and musicals.

“I try my best to give the Conservatory students a range of musical styles during their four years,” Lang-Ree said. “The current seniors had a modern light opera, rock modern musical, contemporary, and now it’s time for a classic! And Oklahoma! is the best of the classics in my opinion.”

While waiting for their turn, students warmed up and helped each other run through lines to practice for their auditions in the rehearsal room. Some students who have had previous theatrical experiences were confident about their auditions, whereas others felt more anxious.

“I thought it would be a great learning experience. It is my first high school audition, so I was kind of nervous,” Janet Lee (9) said.

The audition process will continue with two more rounds in which students will perform dance numbers as well as further script readings. Once the casting is completed, students will begin rehearsing for the show.