Friday 5: National Days

Who says no to free slurpees? Especially in the middle of July (7/11), a delicious, refreshing slurpee is an awesome way to celebrate in the heat of summer. 7-Eleven provides unique flavors for customers to try on this unofficial holiday. On top of this fun, it also offers discounts on many snacks. This day is welcomed due to these perks and offers a chance for 7-Eleven to show their appreciation for their customers through these promotions. 7-Eleven Day always generates a bit of banter around the Harker community in excitement and preparation for a day of free slurpees.
Celebrated on Jan. 3, right after the holidays, this day emphasizes self-care and rejuvenation. The Festival of Sleep Day is particularly important to me during my junior year. I remember the good old days when eight hours of sleep was a daily requirement. Now, I’m lucky if I can get eight hours over the weekend. This day is a good reminder for all of us to take a step back from our work and relax. You can nap throughout the day or just sleep in, but either way, make sure to keep your schedule clear on your day off and keep your pajamas on all day. Not only is this day for sleeping, but also for self-care, giving you the chance to binge TV shows or eat your favorite foods.
Personally, I’m a massive fan of popcorn. I love all sorts of popcorn flavors, from cheese to caramel to chocolate. The delicious popcorn smell at the movies keeps me purchasing a large size each time I go. When I learned of National Popcorn Day, celebrated on Jan. 19, I immediately fell in love. This day invites you to watch a movie while enjoying a bowl of your favorite buttery popcorn. Alternatively, head to the mall and try out new, unique flavors. Either way, it’s an opportunity to share a bowl of popcorn with friends and family, all while having a good time.
Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π. It just fits: I can’t imagine any universe where March 14 is not celebrated as Pi Day. Celebrated through competitions reciting the digits of π or eating delicious pie, this day honors all the math nerds out there. We appreciate the practicality of Pi at every level of math, from the basics in pre-algebra to geometry to calculus. Beyond the math, take some time to bake a pie or try some new flavors. To celebrate Pi Day means to love it beyond its utility in mathematics and to appreciate it for its uniqueness.
Finally, April Fool’s Day caps the list as my favorite national day. This day, celebrated on April 1, is an absolute classic, made for pranksters around the world. I still remember waking up early in the morning on April Fool’s day throughout my childhood, plotting ways to deviously prank my family. I would stick black tape under remotes and mouses and place fake bugs surreptitiously around the room. Before April Fool’s day, I love to watch the Youtuber Mark Rober walk through some of his most creative ideas on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Major corporations even partake in the madness with prank products and features, like Tinder’s posting a VP of Ghost Hunting position this year. The entire day is dedicated to fun, which captures the essence of many of the national days on this list as they each offer a break from the monotony of daily life. In commemorating these unique days, we can make each day into a celebration.