Matriculation and class trips welcome students back to school
Upper school students and faculty assembled in the quad Friday morning to attend the annual matriculation ceremony following a day of class trips, marking the start of the 2018-2019 school year.
August 26, 2018

Biology teacher Dr. Thomas Artiss greets a student as he leads the freshmen in the procession. Matriculation was held Friday morning to welcome the class of 2022 to the upper school.

Physics teacher Dr. Mark Brada enters the quad during the processional ceremony at matriculation on Friday.

Head of School Brian Yager speaks to the student body, addressing each class separately.

Cantilena performs a rendition of Stephen Hatfield’s “Ain’t That News,” conducted by music teacher Susan Nace.

Upper school head Butch Keller addresses the student body during the matriculation ceremony.

Class of 2019 officers cheer with class spirit upon hearing their class year mentioned in Keller’s speech.

ASB President Neil Ramaswamy (12) delivers a speech welcoming the freshman class.

Members and advisors of the class of 2022 read the matriculation oath, led by ASB vice president Shania Wang (12).

Rachel Broweleit (11) performs a rendition of Sam Smith’s “Stay With Me” with the Harker String Quartet, conducted by Dr. David Hart.

Class of 2020 president Avi Gulati and ASB vice president Shania Wang (12) act out a scene in the “Freshman 101” skit.

Class of 2019 treasurer Andrea Simonian previews club fair for the freshman class.

Class of 2020 secretary Alyssa Huang pretends to perform heart surgery on Avi during the matriculation skit.

Honor Council representative Jin Tuan (11) advertises the journalism electives during a scene in the skit.