A breakdown of the propositions on the California ballot
November 3, 2020
California ballots will include 12 propositions to be voted on in this election, and each one is described below. Additional insight into Propositions 15, 16, 17 and 18 are also included, paired with the results of Harker’s Student Mock General Election. For more information, view the official voter guide here.
Proposition 14: Authorizes $5.5 billion in state bonds for stem cell and other medical research
Proposition 15: Increases funding sources for K-12 public schools, community colleges and local governments by requiring commercial and industrial real property be taxed
Proposition 16: Permits government decision-making policies to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in order to address diversity by repealing Proposition 209
Proposition 17: Restores suffrage to people convicted of felonies and who are on parole
Proposition 18: Allows 17-year-olds who will be 18 at the time of the next general election to vote in primaries and special elections
Proposition 19: Changes tax assessment transfers and inheritance rules
Proposition 20: Makes changes to policies related to criminal sentencing charges, prison release and DNA collection
Proposition 21: Expands local governments’ power to use rent control
Proposition 22: Considers app-based drivers to be independent contractors and enacts several labor policies related to app-based companies
Proposition 23: Requires physicians to be on-site at dialysis clinics and prohibits clinics from reducing services without consent from the state
Proposition 24: Expands the provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and creates the California Privacy Protection Agency to implement and enforce the CCPA
Proposition 25: Replaces cash bail with risk assessments for suspects awaiting trial