Upper school students marched in Homecoming Week’s annual spirit parade and competed in tug-of-war preliminaries at 9:35 a.m on Tuesday.
Upper school chemistry teacher Andrew Irvine led the procession in a metallic bodysuit, black eye mask and yellow cape, while jazz band members and advisory representatives followed closely behind. One to two representatives from each advisory marched in the parade: frosh in yellow, sophomores in green, juniors in white and seniors in black, representing their class colors. The class of 2024 joined the parade after the advisory representatives, followed by ‘25, ‘26 and then ‘27.
The parade marched in the direction of Davis Field where the first tug-of-war competition took place between the frosh and the juniors. Eight seconds after the air horn sounded, the class of 2025 defeated the class of 2027. Junior class council representative Sam Parupudi participated in tug-of-war and reflected on their victory.

“We got up at the very beginning when no other teams got up and circled around to discuss all the important strategies: sit back, pull with your legs, heavier people in the back and listen to Leo [Sobczyn’s] counting,” Sam said. “We also generally had a good sense of morale. Every single person in our class watching from the stands was cheering for us.”
The second round pitted the sophomores against the seniors. After 24 seconds, the seniors defeated the sophomores. The seniors will face the juniors in the tug-of-war finals on Saturday during the homecoming game halftime. Frosh and sophomores will also compete for 3rd place in a match on Saturday before the Homecoming Game against Crystal Springs, which will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Tug-of-war participant Reza Jalil (12) notes how his class bonded while working together to defeat the frosh.
“We’re a strong class, and we just [had] never [been] united in one way,” Reza said. “I think that we’re the best class, and we have to represent that especially at Homecoming, when all the campuses are there. For the juniors, stay on your feet.”