Kathy Fang
Student council's food committee announced the opening of the snack bar. The snack bar will be open during morning office hours at the Chowda House starting next week.
WiSTEM announced that their club week is next week. They will be selling boba tea after school every day for $5 and homemade brownies after school on Nov. 14 and Nov. 16 for $2.
The next monthly female sex talk will be on Nov. 15 at 12:45 p.m. in the CyberLoft. More information about the sessions is available at http://library.harker.org/girlsandsex.
Student council’s food committee announced that a snack bar will open next week at the Chowda House during all morning office hours. Snacks will cost 50 cents each, and punch cards with a $10 value will be sold after school tomorrow. They can also be purchased at the bar at the time of snack purchase.
The disaster relief fundraiser for the eastern hurricanes and the Northern California wildfires organized by student council and the fall play cast raised $1700.33.
The Guadalupe River cleanup is on Nov. 18 from 8:10 a.m to 11.45 a.m. Permission slips are due tomorrow to Director of Upper School Community Service Kerry Enzensperger.
DECA’s annual movie night is tomorrow at AMC 14 Saratoga. They sold tickets during lunch today for the 6 p.m. showing of “Thor: Ragnarok.”
Annie Ma (10), Alyssa Huang (10), Simar Bajaj (10) and Avi Gulati (10) spoke about the history and importance of Veterans Day. They named several upper school faculty and staff members who are veterans and thanked them for their service to the country.
History teacher Mark Janda and math teacher Lola Muldrew spoke and played a video about the importance of understanding the impact of one’s actions.
Emmy Huchley (11) encouraged students and faculty to attend Autumn Song, previously called Winter Song, which will be held tomorrow at 4 p.m. in Nichols Auditorium. She announced the eight performing junior musical theater, piano and vocal certificate candidates as well as their accompanying pianists.
The varsity football team has a home playoff game tomorrow at 7 p.m. on Davis Field. The sophomore class council will be selling boba tea and other snacks at the game. The boys volleyball interest meeting was today during lunch.
The class dodgeball game was held today during long lunch in the athletics center. The juniors beat the freshmen and the seniors beat the sophomores. The final games will be on Nov. 17, with the seniors playing the juniors and the sophomores playing the freshmen. During lunch, student council sold boba tea from Teaspoon, and the proceeds will go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).