Humans of Harker: Maya Valluru learns of the importance of friendship


Melissa Kwan

“Times in high school feel difficult now, and you feel like you’ll remember all the highest points and lowest points of your experience, but in reality, the most mundane ones, or seemingly mundane ones will stand out to you most in the future, and those moments aren’t made up of your biggest failures or your highest grade you got in the toughest class. It’s really about who you surround yourself with, and the experiences you chose to have,” Maya Valluru (12) said.

by Devanshi Mehta, TALON Business Manager

Ever since Maya Valluru (12) reached for the same name tag as Maya Rai (12) during freshman orientation, they became the best of friends.

Maya Valluru met Illana Goldberg (12) in fourth grade at Challenger Almaden, where they first became friends. When Illana transferred to Harker for the last two years of her high school career, Maya and Illana reconnected, and Maya Rai instantly clicked with her.

“I feel like as of senior year, my friends help me stay weird, and I don’t feel the need to hinder anything that I want to say or do or decide upon,” Maya said. “Having a good friend system has led me to not only have a better time in high school, but have a great time in high school this last year, even though things got pretty difficult with college and grades. They’ve always been there to make me happy.”

During stressful times and while handling some tough classes during high school, Maya’s friends have helped her stay calm through the whole process.

“I’m not super great with handling stress, so when it comes to just a regular school day, just hanging out with them during my free time during extra help is a good way to get my mind off things that [are] giving me a tough time and buzzing in my head,” she said.

College applications were especially a challenge; juggling school work with early applications to regular ones was tough, but Maya’s friends were always there for her.

“Times in high school feel difficult now, and you feel like you’ll remember all the highest points and lowest points of your experience, but in reality, the most mundane ones, or seemingly mundane ones will stand out to you most in the future, and those moments aren’t made up of your biggest failures or your highest grade you got in the toughest class,” she said. “It’s really about who you surround yourself with, and the experiences you chose to have.”